Path of Exile’s latest update gave players a wonderful League Mechanic that is based on dark and unseen areas unveiling themselves based on the color of wisps. With each empowerment, the challenge gets more difficult but rewarding. Here in this guide, we will explain Path of Exile League Mechanics in detail on how it works, what the colors have to do with anything here, wanderers/merchants, wisps, and monster empowerment.
League Mechanics are newly introduced league challenges that are now permanently part of the game. When you finish these League Mechanics Challenges, you will be rewarded with crafting materials, augment items, and item drops.
The Affliction League Mechanic is fairly unique in the sense that you are in a dark area, and around you are wisps, lighting up a certain part with you being in the center. The colors of wisps pave the way for different sets of abilities and monsters that drop rewards.
At the beginning of the zone, there is a portal that leads you to the Affliction League Mechanic, starting the challenge you have to face and earning rewards through it.
The portal further takes you to a dark area and that darkness is called the Affliction. Around you, there are rings of wisps that light the area inwards, not outwards. Move around and that ring will also move with you lighting the area you are inside.
The whole challenge is based on the distance you can cover. Starting, the wisps will light up the area around you, but after reaching a certain distance, the wisps will lose their light, and in return, a portal will open that takes you to the starting area, allowing you to restart again.
Similar to the other instances, there are strong monsters that come to attack you from the darkness. As you progress, you will find different colored wisps in the area like yellow, purple, and blue.
Collect these wisps for certain benefits like certain paths and points of interest. But, the specific things you need to look out for are the bosses and the wanderers, different for the colored wisps you collect.
In the dark path, you will find wanderers called the Azmir Wanderers who will give you quests that further allow you to put the wildwood ascendancies. They can stack on your original ascendency, but the points are not shared between them.
The ascendency depends on the wanderer you will find in the Affliction League Mechanic of Path of Exile, based on the color of wisps and the currency they drop. Following are the ascendancies:
Breaker of Oaths (Purple Color) - It gives you Warlock of the Mists, providing you with Blood Magic, and sells corpses for the purple wisps (wild wisps). Furthermore, you can turn these corpses into specters.
Warden of the Maji (Yellow Color) - It specializes in tinctures that take flask slots but are not considered one. These ascendancies apply to the weapons and in return change the attack. The ward will sell these tinctures for the yellow wisps (vivid wisps).
Primal Huntress (Blue Color) - It teaches you to the Wildwood Primalist, and quite like a jack of all trades, a mix between the two but the best out of both. It will help you make your unique ascendency, summoning wolves, opening chests with war cries, and more loot on corpses. The Wildwood Primalist will give you charms that you can equip.
The wisps do change the interaction with bosses, how they attack you, and what they drop after falling.
Blue Primal Wisps give you increased item rarity.
Purple Wild Wisps will increase the number of items.
Yellow Vivid Wisps will increase the currency
Starting with the Affliction League Mechanic in the Path of Exile, you will notice these wisps primarily, as they are found in these three colors, and drop the currency based on these colors.
The three colors also represent three different NPCs in the game. Then, you can use the same colored currency to find people in the mist, from whom you can buy equipment.
Out of these three people, you can specialize in only one, making you a profound follower of that specific ascendancy, which is explained above.
When you get started with the Path of Exile League Mechanic, you can proceed to kill monsters, and in return, you will be granted various empowerments, based on the colors mentioned above.
Each empowerment color will grant different benefits to the monsters, indicated on the map. From one to three, you can put empowerment on the monsters. One being the lowest, and three being the highest, making the monster stronger, and harder.
As a result, you will get more rewards with each empowerment. That is how the Empowerments and Monsters Hardness works in Affliction League Mechanic in Path of Exile.
Path of Exile is catching up again with other MMORPG games, providing players with a new Affliction League Mechanic, or called League Mechanic. You enter an area filled with darkness, and the lighting wisps are the ones aiding you in seeing a certain area around you.
There are purple, blue, and yellow colors that are seen in wisps, the wanderers, ascendancies, empowerment, and even monsters. So, the whole concept is around you collecting these colored wisps, going to their indicated wanderers/merchants, buying items based on the ascendancies, and fighting monsters.
You can either get started with the League Mechanic, kill all the monsters, and make the game harder, or you can slay only the monsters you find along the way, run around, and make your character stronger based on the ascendancies.
After a while, a portal will appear that takes you out of the Affliction League, giving you a chance to either take some mobs and go out with the reward or make the League Mechanic more challenging with a higher reward on the stake.