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Enshrouded Mining Guide - Get Resources Early

It takes a ton of time farming resources in Enshrouded, as you have to travel to different locations and Mine these resources yourself. But, what if there was a way to do it efficiently and quickly, without wasting your time? Here we have an Enshrouded Mining Guide that will help you get all the resources you need early on in the game. 

In this guide, we will be sharing with you the top mining spots in the game, and find the top priority items like Amber, Bronze, Copper, Salt, and so on. So, without further ado, let’s get into the details of mining hotspots.

What do you need?

There are a few items you will need before going on a mining trip in Enshrouded. These items are;


In the Pickaxe tab under Blacksmith, you will find all sorts of Pickaxes. These are as follows:

  1. Scrappy Pickaxe - Early on you need a Pickaxe to start mining in Enshrouded, and a Scrappy Pickaxe will do just fine. 

  2. Copper Pickaxe - After you have the Scrappy Pickaxe, you can move on to the Copper Pickaxe, which is much better than the Scrappy one.

  3. Bronze Pickaxe - The best Pickaxe in Enshrouded you can get after getting the Copper Pickaxe.

Best Talent Points for Mining

Talent Points are the center point of Mining efficiently in Enshrouded, as using certain points will enhance your overall experience, making it quicker and effortless. Following are the Talent Skill Points you should invest in as a Mining expert.

  • Miner - A 10 percent chance to get additional resources when mining resources.

  • Mason - Pickaxe will deal 30 percent more damage when used against stone objects, and these also include resource veins.

  • Lumberjack - Felling axes will do an extra 30 percent damage when used against wood objects, and these also include trees.

  • Quality Gear - The tools used to mine will have a 50 percent slower durability loss. 

Best Mining Locations in Enshrouded

Most of the players travel to mines and try to mine resources there, but that is not the best location to Mine Resources in Enshrouded. Typically, you will also travel to the Small Flint Mine, Egerton Salt Mines, and Mark of Sameth. They are not the best locations, and to tackle that we have the Best Mining Locations for each resource below.

Best Mining Spot for Salt

Best Mining Spot for Salt in Enshrouded

Salt mines are in the shrouded territories. Travel to your homeland, and the first flame you have to put in has the best spot to mine Salt in Enshrouded. 

Best Mining Spot for Salt in Enshrouded

When you are at an elevated location, on the peak of a mountain, you can watch the shroud below. Jump and glide towards the little area “Watchtower” that isn’t affected by shroud. 

Inside you will find a chest, but outside, on your left side, you will find a ton of Salt just as the image shows. Use the Pickaxe to mine all of this Salt. 

You will need Salt to process animal hides into dried fur, to make backpack upgrades in Enshrouded. This is an essential thing for the early game. 

Best Mining Spot for Flintstone

Best Mining Spot for Flintstone in Enshrouded

South-West of the Rookmore, you will come across a massive reserve of Flintstone. 

Best Mining Spot for Flintstone in Enshrouded

But, before you come across this location, you have to dig a hole at the location, and then pass through it. 

Best Mining Spot for Flintstone in Enshrouded

Afterward, you have to follow the road, and on your left, on the mountain, you will find a ton of Flintstone. Use your Pickaxe to mine as much Flintstone as you can from here.

Best Mining Spot for Clay

Best Mining Spot for Clay in Enshrouded

The best spot for mining Clay in Enshrouded is next to the Ancient Spire - Revelwood Fast Travel point. 

Jump down, and glide towards the west, you will come across this massive reserve of Clay on the edge of the mountain. 

Best Mining Spot for Clay in Enshrouded

When you are done with the first, you can simply glide down, and find more Clay as you go down. 

How to make Bricks in Enshrouded?

After unlocking the carpenter, you will have access to Kiln. Throw in the Clay, and some Wood Logs to create Fired Bricks in Enshrouded. Simple and Easy!

Bricks are versatile in Enshrouded, as you will need them for various things like Fired Bricks Block, and other structures. 

Best Mining Spots for Copper

Best Mining Spots for Copper in Enshrouded

Copper can be found at various locations in Enshrouded, but the best one would be the one close to the “Ancient Spire - Revelwood Fast Travel” point. 

Jump towards the west side, and on the mountain, you will find a ton of Copper, at the location of Mark of Sameth. There is a massive reserve of Clay as well here, which makes it exceptional. You will also find some Rubble here to collect. 

Best Mining Spots for Copper in Enshrouded

How to get Charcoal and Copper Bars in Enshrouded?

In the kiln, you have to throw some Wood Logs, and Dirt to create Charcoal. Then that same Charcoal alongside Copper Ore is used to create a Copper Bar in Enshrouded.

Best Location for Luminous Growth, Copper Strings, and Critter Parts

Best Location for Luminous Growth, Copper Strings, and Critter Parts in Enshrouded

Travel towards the northwestern part from the “Ancient Spire - Revelwood Fast Travel”. You will come across a cave entrance. Head inside the “Abandoned Hunter Camp”, and you will find Luminous Growth, used to make the Luminous Blocks. Also, there are a ton of other resources including Critter Parts, and Copper Strings.

Note: Be Careful, there are a ton of Poisonous Spiders here that have incredibly high damage. 

Best Mining Spot for Tin

Best Mining Spot for Tin in Enshrouded

Travel to the Mining Rift, and you will find a ton of Tin here at your disposal, to be mined. You can also find a ton of Tin at the south of the Imperial Gardens, and Pike Fortress.

This is a cave system and you will find a ton of bugs here, so before going in, place an Altar, so that you can spawn there after dying. 

How to make Wood Acid, and Tin Bars in Enshrouded?

To create Tin Bars, you have to put Tin Ore, Charcoal, and Wood Acid in the Kiln. To make the Wood Acid, you will need Wood Logs and Dirt. 

Best Mining Spot for Amber

Best Mining Spot for Amber in Enshrouded

Amber is the rarest material to find in Enshrouded, and by following our Enshrouded Mining Guide, you will be able to mine tons of Amber early on in the game.

Best Mining Spot for Amber in Enshrouded

Travel to the Ancient Spire Revelwood Fast Travel location, and drop off from the location we have in the image above. It is on the top-right side of Fast Travel.

Best Mining Spot for Amber in Enshrouded

Tilt a bit towards your left, and you can spot Amber on the ground, ready to be mined by you. Amber is an orange-colored rock that you can spot inside the Shroud.

Best Mining Spot for Twig

Best Mining Spot for Twig in Enshrouded

Reach the Animal Den at the location above, and you will find a ton of Twig at the location, ready to be mined. This is the best location to mine Twig in Enshrouded. Also, you can find a ton of Twig in the desert area. 

Best Mining Spots for Sand and Sulfur

Best Mining Spots for Sand and Sulfur in Enshrouded

Travel to the Ancient Spire - Kindle Wastes, and you can spot a ton of Sulfur on the ground. Sulfur has a golden, yellow texture, which is easy to spot once you are in this deserted area.

How to make Glass in Enshrouded?

Alongside Sulfur, you can spot some Sand, which is used to make Glass Enshrouded. So, you have to mine some Sand from this location as well.

In the Smeler, you have to throw some Sand, and Charcoal to make Glass. Go to the Carpenter to turn your Glass Shards into real Glass, which is used onwards in buildings, or glassware.

Pro Tips for Mining in Enshrouded

  • If you find a resource worth mining, you can infinitely farm it. Go to your crafting menu, and place an altar far from the source. The resource should be outside the borders. Farm the resource, and restarting the game will respawn the resource for you. This only works for multiplayer.

  • Mining the resources will break the Pickaxe, and you can place a workbench anywhere to repair your Pickaxe, an infinite amount of times.

  • Place an Altar at the Pillars of Creation, and that would allow you to reach any corner of the world, flying your way to each destination. 


Enshrouded is a unique and elongated experience for Open World Survival RPG lovers, as it has minute details related to resource management and creation. This also makes the game quite restrictive, as you have to find all the resources yourself, unknowingly. To tackle that, we have here an Enshrouded Mining Guide, that showcases techniques and locations to get resources early using only the process of Mining. 

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