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Enshrouded Mid-Game Item Farming Guide - Best Resource Location

Starting strong in the early game, you can get stuck gathering the essential resources in the mid-game, as you have to get tons of shroud liquid, sacks, cores, glowing blocks for your building, and so on. Thus, we compiled this Best Mid-Game Item Farming Guide where we will be sharing with you locations of the Best Resources to gather. 

Best Mid-Game Essential Items Farming Spots

If you already have access to the Ancient Spire Springlands or the Ancient Spire Revelwood, right in between them you can find plenty of these resources. Very close to the Ancient Vault where you picked up the farmer. For this, we recommend you unlock the glider first. With that being said, let's jump straight to the point.

Best Honey Farm Location Enshrouded

Best Honey Farm Location Enshrouded

For this resource, we recommend Willowcrush which is a pretty small village right in between the first pillar of Spire Springlands fast travel and the one of Revelwood.

In this area, you can find a couple of flame shrines but most importantly this place is filled with bee nests. We talked about this resource for the mid-game as well. This place is a much better farm spot as right here you can find so many of these trees.

Best Clay Farm Location Enshrouded

Best Clay Farm Location Enshrouded

A little bit northeast of this specific farming zone you can find a ton of resources as well. Both a clay vein as well as one with copper right there. So if you quickly want to pick up some clay this is the perfect place to be. 

Best Clay Farm Location Enshrouded

If you want to farm a lot of clay, travel to the Ancient Spire Revelwood, there is a lot more to be found.

If you look to the west from this zone and jump down you already see a ton of all that orange in the distance. This orange-colored material is clay. Many lumps of clay can be harvested from the wall while if you jump down there is even more like a lot of this resource on the sides down below.

Best Copper Farm Location Enshrouded

Best Copper Farm Location Enshrouded

Next up we have another camp which is called the Mark of Sameth. If you look to the west of this one which allows you to instantly travel to the zone. The mark of Sameth is another sweet spot where you can primarily harvest copper ore. 

This is one of those places where it's filled with this resource in correlation with the Springlands and the Revelwood quick travels.

Best Copper Farm Location Enshrouded

To the east, we also have the Glimmer Rock Mine, another sweet spot to farm a ton of copper. This is also where you will find the pillars of creation.

Best Azure Farm Location Enshrouded

Best Azure Farm Location Enshrouded

A little bit northeast of the Mark of Sameth and the Ancient Spire Revelwood you can also find the abandoned hunter camp which you need to visit for a certain quest while right here you can also come across plenty of these Azure Russulas. A food source when grilled at the fire can give you some nice stats.

Best Critter Parts, Better Strings, and Luminous Growth Farm Location Enshrouded

Best Critter Parts, Better Strings, and Luminous Growth Farm Location Enshrouded

While this is not the only reason why you want to visit this Abandoned Hunter Camp cave, you will find plenty of poisonous spiders. Poison in this game can be pretty brutal so be sure to prepare for this but if you take a torch with you it will be pretty easy to get through.

Find all sorts of treasure and especially at the very end of this cave system you will find dozens of spiders and if you take out every single one of them you will have a ton of critter parts at your disposal which you also need for certain crafts. 

Now you no longer have to focus on plant fiber; these instantly drop both critter parts and the better strings right now so that's going to make everything so much easier, especially crafting bandages.

Best Critter Parts, Better Strings, and Luminous Growth Farm Location Enshrouded

Anyways while you're here be sure to also mine some of this luminous growth as this can make your base look so much better. This is one of the best-looking building blocks in the game and it also has a nice use case as you don't have to use any light sources like candles which look pretty primitive. 

Best Flax/Linen Farm Location Enshrouded

Now that we've made our way a little bit more to the north of the forest you will now start finding a lot more new resources including the flax. These are blue-whitish flowers that you want to pick up at all times as it's a very important resource for linen. 

Best Flax/Linen Farm Location Enshrouded

Linen is used for all sorts of blueprints including the marksman set. Go to the Ancient Spire Revelwood fast-travel and fly towards the southeast to this Fawnsong frontier. 

Also, a nice amount of copper, strawberries, and all sorts of resources that you can come across. First, you're gonna have to process it at the hand spindle which only takes a couple of seconds.

Best Salt Farm Location Enshrouded

Best Salt Farm Location Enshrouded

From the image above, you can find a little tower also sticking out of the shroud at the beginning of the game. 

Best Salt Farm Location Enshrouded

This is a mid-game location, so it is accessible to everyone for salt. Jump from the location, and you can barely reach the watchtower's end. Outside, you will find a ton of salt sticking out in the form of gray square stones. Mine it and you will get a ton of this in the mid-game.

Get Goo in Enshrouded

Get Goo in Enshrouded

You're now also probably wondering how you can make goo. Well, you already got a ton of critter parts earlier. If you visit Balthazar, your alchemist, you can make the goo at the resources by combining bug dust and shroud liquid. 

Best Shroud Core Farm Location Enshrouded

Go to this pillar of the Ancient Spire Low Meadows as it brings you right in front of an enshrouded place where you can pick up this resource. 

Best Shroud Core Farm Location Enshrouded

So from the tower itself, you're gonna fly towards Ring of Ruts right in between the Ancient Vault Hunter and the spire itself. Whenever you restart the world this thing seems to regrow so you just have to quickly take it out which makes everything so much easier to see.

Then the flying enemies will appear, that give you torn cloth, shroud cores, and runes. So be sure to keep an eye out for these bad guys to get your hands on this resource as much as possible.

Best Shroud Sack Farm Location Enshrouded

Best Shroud Sack Farm Location Enshrouded

Make your way to the Lone Thistle. This is also where you can find an elixir well but it's basically to the east of the Ancient Vault Farmer. This is a really nice farm spot because if you're standing right in front of the house you don't have the shroud timer.

Best Shroud Sack Farm Location Enshrouded

So once again you can quickly travel away from it but we want to focus on those plants. If you take them out, you will get shroud sacks. So that's already two of them.

Best Shroud Sack Farm Location Enshrouded

Best Skills to Get for Item Farming

Best Skills to Get for Item Farming


  • Lumberjack will deal 30% more damage against wooden objects and trees.

  • With Mason, you will do the same 30% for Ore. 

  • You can also pick up miners to have an additional 10% chance to gain more of those resources.

  • With quality gear, your tools will lose durability 50% slower. 


Enshrouded is a game filled with resources to mine, but following our Enshrouded Mid-Game Item Farming Guide, you can get essential mid-game resources effortlessly. Utilizing various techniques like creating a flame altar outside the resource to reset it will give you infinite farms. Then, you can invest in some farming skills to get more out of your time, and inventory. The three Ancient Fast Travel locations are your best bet on taking an easy route to these item-farming locations. 

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