
There are great ways that always help you SAVE MORE on buying at www.MMOUSD.com.

New Customer

  1. You can register on MMOUSD to get 100 original points before you place the order.
  2. If you have not registered and become the member of MMOUSD before place your order and then you will unable to get the points.

Loyal Customer

  1. Please remember login your member account before you place an order so you can enjoy the member benefit.
  2. Please remember to modify your personal information in Member System to get Member Benefit.
  3. Every 100 points can save 1USD when you place the order.
  4. In every order,the member can get 2% points to your member account!

Affiliate Program

  1. Every member on MMOUSD will have a unique Membership promotion link. It is regarded as the unique identification on MMOUSD.
  2. You can send the Membership promotion link to your friends. Through this link and register on MMOUSD.
  3. If your friends buy from us, 5% of the total price about your and your friends orders will be accumulated to your member account.
  4. You recommended A to buy from us. The total price of A’s order is 100USD. Then you will get 5USD in your account as Affiliate Commission Points.