There are great ways that always help you SAVE MORE on buying at
New Customer
- You can register on MMOUSD to get 100 original points before you place the order.
- If you have not registered and become the member of MMOUSD before place your order and then you will unable to get the points.
Loyal Customer
- Please remember login your member account before you place an order so you can enjoy the member benefit.
- Please remember to modify your personal information in Member System to get Member Benefit.
- Every 100 points can save 1USD when you place the order.
- In every order,the member can get 2% points to your member account!
Affiliate Program
- Every member on MMOUSD will have a unique Membership promotion link. It is regarded as the unique identification on MMOUSD.
- You can send the Membership promotion link to your friends. Through this link and register on MMOUSD.
- If your friends buy from us, 5% of the total price about your and your friends orders will be accumulated to your member account.
- You recommended A to buy from us. The total price of A’s order is 100USD. Then you will get 5USD in your account as Affiliate Commission Points.